In the field of metalworking, there is nothing that can surprise us.
On the contrary, we will surprise you.
What does "metalworking services" entail? This includes welding pressure vessels or rolling. Welding is carried out by certified welders specialized in specific welding methods (111, 131, 135, 141, orbital welding), with welding precision in accordance with ČSN EN ISO 13920 and ČSN EN ISO 5817 standards.
For rolling, we currently use the most precise and fastest hydraulic four-roller plate bending machine, MCA 2520. Thanks to horizontal pre-bending, we achieve very short flat ends of the sheet at the end of the rolling process. We also roll cones.
In addition to welding and rolling, you can also order other metalworking services from us. We offer drilling, countersinking, threading, reaming, pressing, and stud welding, all the way to the assembly of the final product.
Machines used: DAVI MCA 2520
Key parameters:
Max. working length of rollers: 2550 mm
Max. rolled sheet thickness: 2500×8 mm
Two upper replaceable rollers with diameters of 150 mm and 200 mm
Odjehlovací a brousící stroj BSM 1100 RDDR
Základní parametry:
Pracovní šíře: 1100 mm
Min. tloušťka obrobku: 0,5 mm
Max. tloušťka obrobku: 160 mm